Sunday 8th June

River Wye, Llanstephan Beat.

June 8th

Another day of sunshine greeted us. It was becoming so warm that it was a relief to climb into the water and deep wade. And on Llanstephan there are parts where you do need to deep wade. This is not a beat for the faint-hearted. However when the river is clear and low, the wading is more than mangeable, it's almost pleasurable.

The lower beat of Llanstephan is composed of deep pools and slack water. It's a great place for salmon (when the conditions are right) and chub and pike. The upper beat has a few chub but is mostly trout and grayling water, with added bonus of dace.

At the moment fishing during the day requires a degree of patience. You should catch a few fish but you may have to put the hours in. occasional rises offer hope and a target. There is a steady trickle of flies and a well presented dry fly can snare a fish, but more often it's the nymph that will take fish, even rising fish. Stay cool in the river during the day, or walk in the hills and start fishing in the evening. Both tactics will work when the sun bears down on the river.


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Llanstephan in low water


A Chub takes the fly